SNMP Configuration on Brocade Switches

SNMP Manager 
The SNMP Manager communicates to the devices within a network using the SNMP protocol. Typically, SNMP Managers manage networks by monitoring the network parameters and optionally setting parameters in managed devices. 

SNMP Agent 
The SNMP agent resides in the managed devices in the network and collects data from these devices. The SNMP Agent stores the data and sends these when polled by an SNMP Manager. The agent can also automatically alert the SNMP Manager about events by using specially configured triggers called traps. 

Management Information Base 
SNMP Agents in the managed devices store the data about those devices in a database called a Management Information Base (MIB).  The MIB lets the SNMP manager know what each value the device returns means. The MIB structure determines the scope of management access allowed by a device.  

Basic SNMP operation
  1. Every Brocade device carries an agent and management information base (MIB). The agent accesses information about a device and makes it available to an SNMP network management station.
  2. When active the management station gets information or sets information when it queries an agent. SNMP commands are sent from the management station and the agent replies once the value is obtained  or modified. 
  3. The management station also receives traps/alerts if an unusual event occurs
  4. The agent can receive queries from one or more management stations and can send traps to up to six management stations.

To download the MIB - click here.  Go to "All Operating Systems".  Each product release has a link for its corresponding MIB.
To configure SNMP on a Brocade switch, simply run the command "snmpconfig --set  version" where version is the version of SNMP to be configured (snmpv1 or snmpv3).  The CLI will launch a wizard that configures the SNMP user, password, and trap destination.  


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